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6-14 DEC 2024

Take part in a special program dedicated to serial narratives. DiALAB Series is open for registration until August 7th

With the growth of the streaming market in Brazil, largely driven by studio investments in the production of national series, we created DiALAB Series to encourage the development of professionals and their fictional serial narrative projects through an immersive program with consultancy activities, workshops, case studies and masterclasses.

The program offers specialized training aimed at improving serial narratives in the fiction genre written by black screenwriters, helping them with tools capable of expanding their business opportunities within the industry.

In 2024, the DiALAB Series offers a program that aims to enhance the development work of selected projects, which consists of:


  • In October, an online preparation meeting on the main aspects of project development;


  • In December, nine days of in-person immersion in a suitable workspace with consultancy activities and business opportunities based on dialogue with our team of invited consultants.

For more information, access our regulations.

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